Mightier Vocabulary
Mightier, just like other video games, has its own unique world full of characters, games, and language. Here are some helpful tips and tricks to help you get to know Mightier.
The Gizmo
The Gizmo: Showing the player’s heart rate in 3 different stages
Blue, a low heart rate
Grey, a changing heart rate- increasing or decreasing
Red, a high heart rate
Blue, a low heart rate
Grey, a changing heart rate- increasing or decreasing
Red, a high heart rate
Clicking on the Gizmo pauses the game and allows the player time to regulate before continuing.
The gizmo helps provide a visual for their heart rate and becomes the player’s tool to develop self-regulation skills for successful gameplay.

Getting in the red
Experiencing a heightened heart rate and the emotions connected to it. This indicates feelings of anxiety, excitement, frustration, or anger.

Getting in the blue
Cooling down after being out of the red zone. This is an indicator that your child has been able to successfully recover from a high heart rate. Parents often use this term to describe a nice calming down moment.
Lavalings: creatures that react to a player’s increased heart rate.
When a player goes into the Red, the Lavalings will make the game more difficult to play.
Lavalings all have their own unique personalities. For example, Diego doesn’t have an inside voice. Players can collect different Lavalings in different worlds. Players can look at their Lavalings in their Lavaling Collection Book.

Mightier cool down strategies
Mightier has 4 calming strategies that are available for players to experiment with, listed below. Players can switch between these options on the home screen, located on the bottom left of the player’s screen.
Deep breathing
Progressive muscle relaxation
Crossing the midline
Mindful tracing
Deep breathing
Progressive muscle relaxation
Crossing the midline
Mindful tracing
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