If you’re on the search for books about emotions to read to or with your child this summer, look no further! We asked our Mightier families for some recommendations, and got a list so long you’ll need the whole summer (and half of next school year) to read them all!
The “Ninja Life Hacks” series by Mary Nhin promotes a growth-mindset and problem solving, and covers alllllll the emotions! The Ninja books explore concepts like grit, anger, anxiety, gratefulness, positivity, and much more! Our Mightier families love these!

“When I Get Upset” comes from the “When I Get” series by Michael Gordon. Kids can relate to the characters in these books, and explore emotions and situations through storytelling.

“The Power to Choose” series by Adir and Ganit Levy is a Mightier parent favorite! These interactive books emphasize the importance and power that children’s choices can have over their days and ultimately their lives.

“Mindfulness for Vikings” by Amanda Boulter is full of cute, short, inspirational quotes and pictures. This is one that can appeal to all ages and spark some thoughtful conversation as a family.

“Breathe and Be” by Kate Coombs is full of wonderful mindfulness poems. The language, cadence and imagery of these poems creates a sense of calm for readers, while also providing useful descriptions for how to use breath and mindfulness in everyday life.

“Not a Box” by Antoinette Portis. One Mightier parent says this is her youngest child’s favorite book. It’s about dealing with the frustration of not getting what you are expecting and hoping for, and having the freedom and confidence to express your thoughts and ideas.

“Scaredy Squirrel” by Melanie Watt. The Mightier parent who recommends this series says that, while talking about emotions is hard and uncomfortable for her son who struggles with anxiety, this book is one of his favorites to read.

See you next month for Part 2 of our Mightier summer reading list!