Some kids come home from school chatting away, ready to tell you everything that happened. Other kids are a closed book, and turning the pages is a delicate task. Here are some questions to help change up the after school conversation and get kids talking.
- What made you smile today?
- What was the best thing that happened at school today?
- What was the worst thing that happened at school today?
- What made you feel proud today?
- Tell me something that made you laugh today.
- What was the book about that your teacher read?
- Can you tell me an example of kindness you saw/showed?
- If you could choose, who would you like to sit by in class? Who would you not want to sit by in class? Why?
- Did you learn something you didn’t understand?
- What’s the biggest difference between this year and last year?
- Teach me something I don’t know.
- Who did you sit by at lunch today? What did you talk about?
- Can you show me something you learned today?
- Did anyone do anything silly to make you laugh?
- What part of school is your favorite?
- What was the most interesting/funny thing your teacher said today?
- What class rules does your teacher say are important?
- Did you help anyone today?
- Tell me one interesting fact about your teacher.
- What’s your favorite time of day at school?
- Rate your day on a scale from 1-10.
- What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
- Did you get frustrated with anything at school today?
- What is your least favorite part of the school building? And favorite?
- Tell me about a new word you heard today at school.
For more questions specifically about emotions, check out our Conversation Cards about Emotions.